
Zipper Injuries

September/October ISSN-1059-6518  Volume 24 Number 5

Zipper Injuries

It was a beautiful summer day, and the group had just finished a refreshing swim in a mountain lake. Folks were off getting dried and changing into dry clothing  with anticipation of fresh grilled fish for dinner when the wilderness was pierced by a loud yelp. As it turns out, one of the young men was getting dressed. In his haste he managed to snag, trap, snare, ensnarl, clamp, and pinch some of the skin on his penis in his zipper. OUCH!


What on earth in this instance are you going to do? What can you do? First of all, you have a young man who is in a considerable amount of pain and embarrassed beyond belief. This is one of those situations where the pain is only exceeded by the total humiliation.

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In the January/February issue of the Wilderness Medicine Newsletter  we began a detailed discussion regarding soft tissue injuries. We looked at the anatomy of soft tissue, the importance of BSI in the treatment of these injuries, the circulatory sytsetm, controlling bleeding, and the specific types of soft tissue injuries. In this issue we will complete the process by reviewing the wild aspect of soft tissue injuries: long-term wound care, wound infections, and bandaging skills.



 March/April 2006      ISSN-1059-6518    Volume 19 Number 2

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