
Celiac Disease

A discussion of Celiac Disease may seem to be an unusual article for the WMNL, in that, on the surface it does not seem to be directly relevant to wilderness or remote medicine.  However it is extremely relevant because Celiac Disease is a very common problem that deeply affects people’s lives, presenting difficult challenges to outdoorspeople . This is one of those medical problems that plagues outdoor schools, expeditions, and wilderness programs. Impacting our nutrition and the common foods we eat, Celiac Disease tears at the very foundation of programs, trips, and life itself.


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Cryptosporidium hominis

July/August 2009 ISSN-1059-6518 Volume 22 Number 4





Cryptosporidium hominis is a protozoa that causes

gastrointestinal illness— Read more

Giardiasis and Diarrhea

September/October 2008  ISSN-1059-6518  Volume 21 Number 5









Giardia lamblia (Giardia lamblia) is a flagellated protozoan parasite that infects the small intestine causing diarrhea, bloating, and bad gas. People contract giardia when they consume contaminated food or water.

Giardia has a very simple life cycle. The dormant giardia cyst, ingested along with contaminated food or water, makes its home in the small intestine where the cyst hatches and changes into a trophozoite. (The trophozoites cause the illness—the un-hatched cysts do not.) The trophozoites then reproduce by binary fission (cell division) and the population grows.

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Treatment of Diarrhea

November/December 2007   ISSN-1059-6518   Volume 20 Number 6

Treatment of Diarrhea

There are multiple methods for treating diarrheal illnesses. The most important aspect of managing diarrhea is the prevention of both dehydration and electrolyte depletion. Obviously, diarrhea (as well as vomiting) can cause significant loss of fluids and electrolytes. The symptoms of dehydration are thirst, headache, dry mucous membranes, tenting of the skin, and decrease in urine output. The best indication of adequate hydration is urine output. If someone is properly hydrated, they will need to void every 2 – 3 hours, and the urine should be a light amber color. If they are dehydrated, they will void less often and will produce dark, concentrated urine.

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