
Brazilian pepper, Schinus terebinthifolius,

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ISSN:1059-6518 Volume 29 Number 3

By Brandon Munsell NREMT-P , WEMT-P, SOLO Instructor

As the campfire kicks into high gear, a camper throws on boughs from a nearby tree. Although the tree limbs seem dead, the tree they were taken from is abloom with bright red berries and serrated toothed leaflets. As the now burning branch begins to spew smoke, a wind directs it towards gathered campers. Upon inhalation the members begin to experience irritation to their faces and throats, and they also begin to tear up as they assume tripoding positions to catch their breath. As they retreat from the offending fumes, many begin to wheeze and seek water for their now burning eyes. What has caused this unexpected reaction?

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