January/February 2011 ISSN-1059-6518 Volume 24 Number 1
Using Hemostatic Agents to Control Severe Bleeding
Brad L. Bennett, PhD, NREMT-P, WEMT, FAWM
Captain, US Navy (Ret.)
Member, Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care
SOLO Wilderness Medicine Instructor
Tidewater Search & Rescue, Virginia
Member, Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care
Historically and still currently today, severe hemorrhage remains the leading cause of death in combat. In civilian trauma, it is the second cause of preventable death after head trauma. Before I get into the discussion about the use of a hemostatic agent for controlling major arterial bleeds, let’s be aware that we should judiciously use direct pressure as the first line of defense to control bleeding from external bleeding sites. With effective direct pressure along with proper wound packing, these two approaches can stop severe bleeding in most cases. This is true even for major vessels such as the carotid or femoral arteries. Casualties with such injuries often bleed to death despite attempts at direct pressure.