
Over the Counter Antihistamines

November/December 2008  ISSN-1059-6518  Volume 21 Number 6

Colds and Allergies

Over-the-counter (OTC) antihistamines

By Frank Hubbell, DO

An obvious nuisance in life is the occasional “common cold,” with its congestion, sore throat, sinus pain, and cough. We have all had them, and we will all have them again. A cold’s bothersome symptoms are not unique to the wilderness setting—they can occur anywhere, anytime, with little or no warning. However, in the backcountry, away from your comfortable bed and the support of family and friends, the symptoms seem to be more concerning, more severe, and longer lasting.

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Brian was a recent college graduate. While in school, he was involved in the outing club and discovered the great outdoors. Whether he was out on a day hike, a week-long backcountry ski adventure, or floating on a pond in his canoe, he didn’t care—he just wanted to be out in the wilds. No one was surprised when he began to pursue an outdoor career.

To add to his knowledge-base he participated in a weekend seminar in backcountry essentials: a survival program that concentrated on bivouac and short-term survival skills. At the end of the first day, the group was four miles into a local mountain wilderness area and had gained 3000’ in elevation. After a great day of exploring and making improvised shelters, the group sat to enjoy the sunset and feast on a delicious dinner which included wonderful wholegrain bread encrusted with sunflower seeds.



September/October 2007   ISSN-1059-6518   Volume 20 Number 5

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