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As part II of the last issues’s article on musculoskeletal trauma, this article is dedicated to a review of trauma to the appendicular skeleton, i.e. the extremities.  As in the previous article, the material directly applies to providing care in the wilderness or extended care environment, beyond the “golden hour.”

May/June 2003      ISSN-1059-6518     Volume 16 Number 3

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March/April 2003    ISSN-1059-6518    Volume 16 Number 2

Psychotropic Medications: Part 2

Frank Hubbell, DO

This is the second installment of a review of psychotropic medications. The first installment, in the November/December 2002 issue, covered the ADHD medications.

Psychotropic medications represent a very large and complex area of psychopharmacology. There are, however, several principles that if understood and followed should minimize the risks associated with the use of this family of therapeutic drugs in outdoor experiential education.

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This and the next issue of the WMN are dedicated to a head-to-toe review of injuries to the
musculoskeletal system. The material applies directly to providing care in the wilderness or extended care environment, during disaster relief work, or anytime outside of the “golden hour.”
Injuries to the axial skeleton, the head, spine, and pelvis are the focus of this issue while the next
installment will deal with injuries to the chest and the appendicular skeleton, i.e. the extremities.

March/April 2003      ISSN-1059-6518    Volume 16 Number 2

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January/February 2003     ISSN-1059-6518     Volume 16 Number 1

Tales of the Tapeworm

By Dr. E.C. Oli



In this edition of “Tales of the Tapeworm” it would seem to be most appropriate  to discuss smallpox virus, since it has been getting a great deal of press recently.

Smallpox, also known as Variola, is of the genus orthopoxvirus. This virus can cause an acute exanthematous viral infection.  (An exanthem is a contagious infection that has a rash as a primary symptom.) The last know case was in Merka, Somalia in October 1977. available domain name generator Smallpox was declared eradicated by the World Health Organization (WHO) in May 1980.

The World Health Organization coordinated a worldwide program to eradicate smallpox from 1967–1980.  This was accomplished by an intensive vaccination program to immunize everyone for the smallpox virus. Prior to 1967 smallpox was very common; it is estimated that there were 10–15 million cases of smallpox in 1967 alone.

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Field Weather Forecasting

Why weather? Why would we dedicate an issue of the Wilderness Medicine Newsletter to weather? Simply because of the dramatic impact weather can have on our and our patient’s health and survival. Weather forecasting is not a science but an art. There are an infinite number of variables that can make up a forecast. There are, however, some basic principles that make it possible to create short-range forecasts. Understanding these basic principles make it possible to spot dangerous weather, often with enough warning to seek safety.

January/February 2003    ISSN-1059-6518   Volume 16 Number 1

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